
Lenzie Golf Club

Open Texas Scramble

Saturday 14th September 2024
Lenzie 2025, Tees - White (Men), Red (Ladies)
Texas Scramble
H'cap Allowance: 25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap

Open Competition: Texas Scramble for teams of 4. Teams can be combination of Ladies and Gents or all Ladies or Gents. All players must be adult members of their club.

Open Texas Scramble

Saturday 14th September 2024, White & Red Tees, Lenzie 2025

(25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap)

View Statistics for this Competition

Results Score 
1stJoseph Grigor, Michael Grigor, Stephen Grigor, Iain Thain52 
2ndMichael Breen, Steven Hunter, Stephen Muir, Ryan R Smith52 
3rdIain Laidlaw, Scott McGowan, David Osborne, Michael Patrick52 
4thAlex Mccoll, Billy Mclaren, Campbell Mclean, Thomas Pollock53 
5thScott McCallum, Michael Scullion, Joseph Sharp, Andy Stevenson54 
6thSam Craig, Gavin Goodall, Gordon Maxwell, Gavin Roger55 
7thStewart Adam, Chris McClymont, Matthew Scott, Thomas Stewart55 
8thPaul Curley, Jason Evans, Ross Maxwell, Craig Turok56 
9thJohn Allison, Kevin Bell, Jason Sim, Frank Ward56 
10thJames Cardwell, James dick, Fergus McEwan, Craig Wilson56 
11thRonnie Craig, John Kupsky, Ian McMullen, Edward Spence56 
12thGraham Baikie, Graham Craig, Jim Gallacher, Neil A Reilly56 
13thRonnie Johnston, David Mcgregor, Jim Mullen, Ian Wilson56 
14thJim Boyd, Tito Cortes, Paul Cullen, Paul Lavery56 
15thSteven Hughes, Hugh B Kelly, Thomas Kelly, Gary McArthur57 
16thGreg Howe, James Mcruvie, JOHN McRUVIE, John Taylor57 
17thBill Ewing, Scott Kelso, Jamie McRorie, Barry Thomson57 
18thJim BURNS, Colin Mackie, William Pearson, John B Smith57 
19thSam Fitzsimmons, David Hollinsworth, Malcolm Macpherson, Robin Tyler57 
20thSteven Clark, Owen McGuinness, Gerald Traynor, Stephen Traynor57 
21stBrian Cowan, Hugh Mills, Gary Rennison, George Shankland (JNR)57 
22ndBarry Carruthers, Dawn Carruthers, James Carruthers, Mhairi Carruthers57 
23rdJames Brown, Andy Martin, David Muir, Alex Wilson57 
24thJim Galbraith, John Hazelton, Stephen Hazelton, Paul Phillips57 
25thSeverino Camillo, Danny Doherty, Robert Kennedy, Edward Smith58 
26thGraham Leverage, James Leverage, Andrew Walker, Stephen Walker58 
27thDaniel Dickson, Graham Kilpatrick, John Millar, Graeme Naismith59 
28thFiona Halliday, Gavin Halliday, Gillian Prentice, N A R Prentice59 
29thAlistair Black, Bruce Finney, Kevin Finney, Brian Stewart59 
30thMark Buddo, Lewis Collin, John Smith, John Wardlaw60 
31stGerry Clarke, Tom Clarke, Gerry Kelly, Robert J Wilson60 
32ndPeter Doherty, Gordon Leggatt, Ian Morrison, Stephen Welsh60 
33rdAlly Hume, David Shaw, Brian Tollett, Brian Jnr TollettDQNo Card Returned
34thAllan Campbell, Scott Ferguson, Paul Mccabe, Alex ToddDQNo Card Returned

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £60.00 Per Team - Visitors (Required On Entry)
  • £50.00 Per Team - Members (Required On Entry)
  • £52.50 Per Team - Members (Optional)
  • £55.00 Per Team - Members (Optional)
  • £57.50 Per Team - Members (Optional)
Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 136

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